《勇者鬥惡龍III HD-2D Remake》全球出貨、下載販售量突破200萬套 《勇者鬥惡龍III HD-2D Remake》全球出貨、下載販售量突破200萬套

《勇者鬥惡龍III HD-2D Remake》全球出貨、下載販售量突破200萬套

於2024年11月14日(四)全球同步發售的《勇者鬥惡龍III HD-2D Remake》(支援平台: Nintendo Switch™/PlayStation®5/Xbox Series X|S/Steam®/Microsoft Store on Windows)全球出貨、下載販售量突破200萬套

本作是使用融合點陣圖與3DCG的「HD-2D」畫面表現手法,讓1988年發售的《勇者鬥惡龍III 傳說的起點...》重獲新生的完全重製作品。《勇者鬥惡龍III HD-2D Remake》保留了原版的故事與系列傳統的回合制指令戰鬥的基礎上,新增了各種全新要素,例如增加過場動畫的語音、採用交響樂音源、全新職業「馴魔師」、旅途中的新樂趣「怪物競技」以及與勇者父親──奧爾特加相關的新劇情等。

 本作不僅能讓曾經著迷Family Computer版的玩家玩得開心,即使是第一次接觸「勇者鬥惡龍」系列的玩家、不熟悉RPG的玩家抑或是年幼的孩童也能安心遊玩。

《勇者鬥惡龍III HD-2D Remake》簡介


受廣大遊戲玩家喜愛的不朽經典作品《勇者鬥惡龍 III 傳說的起點...》將以全新的畫面表現技術重獲新生。在融合點陣圖與3DCG的HD-2D優美世界中,踏上盛大的冒險吧!






The DRAGON QUEST series is known for putting players in the shoes of its protagonists as they set out on an adventure to vanquish a great evil. It is one of Japan's most famous role-playing game (RPG) series.

The first entry in the series, DRAGON QUEST I, released in 1986. This approachable RPG was the result of a collaboration between game designer Yuji Horii; world-famous manga artist and Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama; composer Koichi Sugiyama, whose orchestral score was unlike anything else in games at the time; and programmer/director Koichi Nakamura. The title proved to be a social phenomenon upon release and birthed the series that we know today.

The franchise is known for combining classic RPG worlds with modern technology that allows for new, creative ways to play. These traits have garnered countless loyal fans worldwide, and to date the 100 DRAGON QUEST titles, including 11 mainline entries, have shipped/sold over 88 million physical and digital copies.

While the stories told in each game differ, the worlds, music, and characters will feel familiar to anyone who has picked up a DRAGON QUEST title, meaning you can expect an authentic experience no matter where you start.

Finally, DRAGON QUEST III HD-2D Remake will be releasing on November 14.
Doubtless, lots of you have never had the chance to play the original.
We hope you are all looking forward to checking out a title which many consider the foundation of the entire series.








ジャンル RPG
プレイ人数 1人
発売日 2024/11/14


対応機種 Nintendo Switch™/PlayStation®5/Xbox Series X|S/Steam®/Microsoft Store on Windows

※パッケージはNintendo SwitchとPS5のみ


Game Title